
HockeyID (Intellectual Disabilities) | HockeyPD (Physical Disabilities) | HockeyWD (Wheelchair Hockey)
Hockey ID is an adapted format of traditional 11 a side hockey. It is designed to promote inclusion and accessibility for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities.
Credit: All images on this page by Col Morley

Special Olympics

— AbouT HockeyID

About Hockey ID

Hockey ID is an adapted format of traditional 11 a side hockey. It is designed to promote inclusion and accessibility for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities. It is played at international level with 6 people per team, including a goalkeeper but locally can be played with 3 or 5 people per team or any other variation to suit the local group. This sport offers diverse individuals the opportunity to actively engage in a physical discipline, develop their skills, and most importantly, have fun.

There are multiple forms for disabled people to play hockey/sports. Besides Hockey ID (Intellectual Disability) there is Hockey PD (Physical Disability) and e.g. Hockey WD (Wheelchair Disability). The FIH promotes all variants of hockey for the disabled but has chosen Hockey ID as the variant to organize and promote in a more central way.

Did you know? There are over 200 million people in the world with an intellectual disability!

The major challenge that Hockey ID must address is to instill a desire in people with disabilities to engage in sports for the joy and pleasure of physical activity, to fulfill their desire for play and competition. This can be achieved by harnessing the unique characteristics of team sports; while also leveraging the potential benefits that the use of equipment offers, making Field hockey a sport that comprehensively targets fundamental motor patterns.


We provide online e-learning courses on a range of essential and complementary subjects. E-learning is designed to be accessed at any time of the day or night, so you have total flexibility where, when and how you learn.

Workshops & Courses

Online workshops and courses take place at a specific time and date. The are usually limited to 12/14 or 16 participants and facilitated by 1 or 2 of our FIH Educators. They may be integral to a particular qualification or open access.

Workshops & Courses

Face 2 Face workshops and courses, as the name suggests, take place in person at a specific location, time and date that is appropriate to the level and subject area. Higher level courses will generally take place at CF & FIH Events.

Help grow hockey for the intellectual disabled

Great to see you’re interested in helping Hockey ID players to enjoy hockey! This manual is put together by an enthusiastic group of hockey ID experts as part of an Erasmus+ Sports programme. Many experienced coaches, event managers, umpires and caregivers from clubs and national federations throughout Europe were involved as well as experts from the Special Olympics organizations. Thanks to both EuroHockey and the FIH for their ambassadorship and support.

In this manual you will find all basic information you will need to get started and we hope this helps you to enjoy your hockey ID journey. All the best and feel free to reach out to us (contacts later in the manual) when you need any help.
This “Start Hockey ID” manual is a part of a complete toolkit where you can find more detailed information about coaching/umpiring/event management/life skills development. All are available on the FIH and EuroHockey website

— Our courses

HockeyID Education Workshops & Courses

Permanently available e-learning courses plus upcoming online and face 2 face courses. Please click below for more options.
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