FIH Top Coach Masterclass Series 1

Episode 3: Engineering the opportunity, the role of midfield in attacking play
with Mark Egner

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  • Author
    Mark Egner
  • Level
  • LIVE Session
    5 June 2024
  • 2hr LIVE Session
    19:30 cest (Geneva)
Mark Egner is the Head Coach of Dartmouth College in the USA & Head Coach of USA U18 Women`s National Team. Mark also delivers courses for USA Field Hockey as a Coach Educator. He is an FIH High Performance Coach (L5C) Candidate
Physical conditioning by the junior world champions

Engineering the opportunity, the role of midfield in attacking play

Identifying what makes a midfielder special in both on and off ball actions.

Participants will clarify the role that midfielders play in their own team environment and identify what they look for in selecting midfielders.