National Associations Home

Welcome to the home page for FIH Academy member services. Here you can access information, resources and guidance specifically designed to support FIH member NAs. Users will need to be signed in to access all resources
National Association REGISTRATION

FIH Membership

Please sign up OR sign in to access the FIH National Associations pages.

Please note that when signing up for the first time, it will take 24hrs to verify your account as an NA representative.

FIH Academy Programmes

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The Clubhouse Resource Centre

An online resource centre for NAs and individuals
  • Videos
  • Documents
  • Templates
  • Strategy
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Participation & Growth

Our core athlete/participant pathway programmes
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Developing National Strategies

Direct and CF led NA support to develop national plans
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World Class Education

FIH Academy core education & learning programmes

Learn & Share YouTube Series

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Dry Hockey Turf Project

Latest developments and direction for the FIH Dry Hockey Turf project
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HockeyID World Forum

Update on progress and direction for HockeyID and the Special Olympics
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Strategies for Sustainable Facilities

How to develop your hockey facility project sustainably by NottsSport
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Multi-sport facility development

FIH Academy partner NottsSports presents ideas and discussions

Internal Funding

Continental Federations 

The FIH supports and is supported in its global mission by 5 Continental Federations, who in turn represent all 139 National Association members at a continental level.

The FIH provides approximately 1 million USD of funding to the 5 CFs annually. CFs are subject to an MoU agreement with the FIH that outlines how the funding may be allocated.
  • African Hockey
  • EuroHockey
  • Asian Hockey
  • PanAmerican Hockey
  • Oceania Hockey

External Funding

Olympic Solidarity 

The aim of Olympic Solidarity is to provide assistance to all National Olympic Committees (NOCs) for athlete development programmes, in particular those with the greatest needs of it. 

This assistance is achieved through multi-faceted programmes prioritising athlete development, but also training of coaches and sports administrators, and promoting the Olympic values.
  • OG Universality
  • Sport Development
  • Entourage
  • Values